Friday, November 13, 2020

Seek Knowledge-Happy Deepavali

May the light be upon you

It's Deepavali, and due to COVID-19, our freedom to celebrate this festival of lights is restricted to contain the spread of the pathogen. Your movement can be restricted, but not your brain. In challenging times like these, the brain works wonders, unfortunately not in a positive sense, but negative: fear. You are living in fear of contracting the virus, your livelihood, your children's future, political stability, etc.

Out of fear of this uncertain time, you hope to find answers to the many questions that impinge on your mind now. Fear only breeds fear, and it further darkens your journey in life. What it needs is a light that will give you the silver lining that will obliterate this darkness. And this light is none other than "Knowledge" as Ralph Waldo Emerson once said: "The antidote to fear is knowledge."

Knowledge has a beginning but no end. And it is never complete as we humans keep on evolving to find ways to live a healthy and prosperous life. To put it simply, knowledge is a journey and not a destination. In essence, good and bad are part of knowledge, and it depends on how you apply it in your life.

For my dear and wise friend, the Late Mr. V.M Chandran, knowledge gained from life is for the betterment of "mankind" and not to exploit "mankind." He was an avid reader and had excellent observation skills. His belief was when you are blessed with knowledge, be the light that will light up others' lives. A man that shares the wisdom of great sages: Gaining Knowledge is the first step to wisdom. Sharing is the first step to humanity.

Every festivity has its meaning that we can apply in our life. Deepavali, the festival of lights, symbolizes the victory of light over darkness, good over evil, and knowledge over ignorance. When you encapsulate all these, it comes down to one: Knowledge. "The first end of life is knowledge; the second end of life is happiness. Knowledge and happiness lead to freedom": the wise words of Swami Vivekananda.

Be Safe. Take Care


Thank You