Saturday, May 23, 2020

Have a Safe Raya-Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri

This year Hari Raya celebration will be different from previous years. We need to comply with the Movement Control Order(MCO). No interstate travel and only 20 people are allowed in one house. Stay Safe!

There will be less fun for kids as they will miss their balik kampung journey and their relatives and friends in the kampung. They will remember this year for the rest of their lives and will share it with their future generations.

For the grandparents or parents in kampung they will certainly miss their children and grandchildren. Hari Raya is one of the times of the year where they can spend their precious time with their loved ones. All is not lost as with the invention of modern technology i.e smartphone, Facetime, Facebook, etc you can still celebrate Raya virtually.

Wishing all Muslims a Selamat Hari Raya celebration. May you and your family be blessed with wisdom, prosperity, joy, and good health.

Take Care.

Thank You