Sunday, February 16, 2020

Puisi Yang Cukup Bermakna Untuk Coach Dharma-Untuk Coach Luar Biasa

Bagi pihak keluarga,saya ingin ucapkan ribuan terimakasih kepada penulis puisi ini. Puisi yang cukup bermakna untuk adik saya,Dharma.

Kejayaan adik saya adalah hasil sokongan dan dorongan yang diberikan oleh Majlis Sukan Negara(MSN) dan Persekutuan Hoki Malaysia.

Saya berpendapat ilmu kejurulatihan yang ada pada adik saya lebih baik digunakan untuk membimbing jurulatih-jurulatih hoki di sekolah-sekolah sukan di Malaysia.

Dengan adanya jurulatih-jurulatih yang berilmu di tahap pembangunan saya yakin Malaysia dapat capai prestasi yang baik di peringkat dunia.

Di Malaysia kita ada ramai pemain-pemain muda yang cukup berbakat untuk di bentuk jadi pemain taraf dunia.

Ada satu peribahasa yang cukup bermakna yang penulis gemar gunakan:"Kalau nak lenturkan buluh,biarlah dari rebungnya."

Saya berharap Kementerian Belia dan Sukan, Majlis Sukan Negara, Persekutuan Hoki Malaysia dan Kementerian Pendidikan Malaysia dapat mempertimbangankan cadangan saya.


Untuk Coach Luar Biasa

Insan ini bukan sebarangan,

Dalam berjuta mungkin seorang,
Sudah terbukti merentas zaman,
Jasa tercurah bukan kepalang.

Insan ini tak kenal penat,

Seawal fajar sudah tercegat;
Sudah disaksikan padang keramat,
Tak pernah henti perah keringat.

Insan ini hatinya mulia,

Memimpin pasukan julang negara;
Banyak kali menjadi juara,
Yang tidak nampak jelaslah buta.

Insan ini hatinya cerah,

Sekecil perkara habis dibedah;
Supaya selesai semua masalah,
Seluruh pasukan dapat faedah.

Insan ini cintakan watan,

Tidak memilih untuk berkawan;
Sekecil2 jurulatih di lapangan,
Kami dibantu tak tagih ganjaran.

Di Gelang Patah pernah bertandang,

Bukan mencari pari semilang;
Tapi membantu di atas padang,
Sekolah kecil juara disandang.

Insan ini permata kita,

Usah dibiar berlalu duka;
Lupakah kita segala jasa,
Juara Asia dan ke-4 dunia?

Terima Kasih Tuan Dharma,

Jasa Tuan takkan dilupa;
Kami memandang penuh mulia,
'Kita langgar!" azimat sentiasa!


Yang pernah jadi coach hoki kampungan

Thursday, February 13, 2020

An Arrogant Man Is A Weak Man! by Maninderjit Singh

It's people like Mike that gives us hope in Malaysian hockey. He takes the time and trouble to elucidate his views concerning Malaysian hockey tirelessly. I'm sharing his latest article on the current affairs of Malaysian hockey for you to peruse.

Recently Mike apprised me that Malaysian hockey needs at least 10 years to prepare a formidable team to qualify for the Olympics. Frankly, in my view, the decisions that are being made now are in fact destroying the development of the game.

For now, I will give you one example as to the decision not to renew the contract of the coaches upon reaching its term. It was legally right but was it morally right when the coaches were informed that their contracts would not be renewed just a few weeks before the National Hockey League.

Whatever decisions we make now will have an impact on the future of the game.

Thank You.

Mike's views are as below:

Don't confuse confidence with arrogance. Arrogance is being full of yourself, feeling you're always right, and believing your accomplishments or abilities make you better than other people. 

After failing 5 years miserably and lost a ticket to Olympic, and given another term till next Olympic cycle is like a death crop awaiting for final funeral rites. The decay of the game smells immensely throughout the country.

Just because you command votes, it doesn't mean that 32million people are happy with the progress and ongoings. Day by Day, the public perception & support is deteriorating badly & sports lovers' anger & frustration is increasing enormously. The boiling point is coming close...

After Congress, the quality of Bearers is at the lowest ever due to dirty political maneuver & en-bloc withdrawal of high profile personalities & former internationals who were honest & had the passion to save the game. It will be a nonfunctional Board that has a more "carelessness mindset" than corporate values & low standard of understanding the depth of the game (most are a school or state players). The current Board lacks modern knowledge & comes without any success profile in their achievements & lack in implementation methodology. Therefore, it will be stagnant progress without any deliveries until next Olympic.

People often believe arrogance is excessive confidence, but it's really a lack of confidence. By removing many former international from the outfit & not considering others to help out will haunt your decision & there will be a price to be paid. Time will tell & you're giving yourself more rope to be hanged. 

People like Tai Beng Hai, Yahya Atan, Stephen, Logan Raj, K Enbaraj, Lim Chiow Chuan, Nor Saiful, Mohd Dharma, Mohd Madzil, S Vellapan, Iman Gobinathan, Saliza & Kerpal Singh are removed or decided not to continue & terminated without any valid reasons. Honor former international with respect & not just throwing them away without any reasonable reasons. There are many potential & credible Coaches like Sarjit Singh, Arul Selvaraj, Eugene Lee, Nor Azlan Bakar, Fairuz Ramli, Kelvinder, Selvaraju, Kaliswaran & many more that are not called in to support the game. More so, personalities like Ow Soon Koi, Yoges, Maheswari, Ramakrishnan, Lum Sau Fong, MA Sambu, Keevan Raj, Baljit,  Collin Sta Maria, R Shanker, S Kuhan and many more who are capable international out there that could contribute well towards the game but been ignored. Mantra - without Former Internationals, you will never succeed! 

Even top officials including TO/Umpires are sidelined & ignored. They've served the Nation with pride at the highest level (Olympics) & were dedicated to the sports. Arrogant people are insecure, and often repel others. Sad state of affairs.

Other Top Nations are having a busy schedule like playing in Pro League & preparing for Olympic. But here, the custodian is busy with politicking & still unsettled after Congress. The gap is getting wider between the top teams & us at the international level. Full of arrogance without knowing the real facts & how to manage the game at its best. 

Where is your lackadaisical Post-mortem report & blueprint? Little bird said that most players were not happy with the Foreign Coach. And you're caught in catch 22 situation. You have failed big time & more to come as the signs are already showing...

Arrogance is an unhealthy ego in sports that need repair. If you feel you & your team could not contribute progressively & lack the ideas to save the game, its an easy solution - just step down and call for a fresh election, with that we could get the right person in the right position who embodies excellent & at least there will light at the end of the tunnel rather than darkness.

To all the Affiliates who sold your souls, well done & keep it up. You have lost your check & balance rights. You were supposed to be the heartbeat of the Organisation but rather succumb and bow down to unqualified bearers who are directionless. Even at your backyard, you have failed but showing your supremacy at the National level is just finding a needle in a haystack. You have lost it due to a Tour!

Time to buck up or pack your bags up...

By Maninderjit Singh (Mike)
Former international
12th February 2020